Why Health and Safety Files
31 January 2023 2023-01-31 12:53Why Health and Safety Files
Why Health and Safety Files
A Health and Safety File, contains crucial documentation of specialized knowledge to assist with the management of health and safety on construction sites. This file also serves as protection against criminal liability by proving compliance to the required regulations.
The South African law with regards to a Health and Safety file Wesbron’s Construction Safety File services
By law, every contractor and sub-contractor is required to have a Health and Safety File. The occupational health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and the Construction Regulations of 2014, states that the file must be available at all times. Furthermore, the Act and Regulations states:
Regulation 5(1)(s) – The client needs to ensure that the file (contemplated in regulation (1)(b) is maintained and kept by the contractor.
Regulation 7(1)(b) – It is the responsibility of the contractor to open and keep (on site) a Health and Safety file. This file must be available to be viewed by an inspector, a client and the client’s contractor or agent.
It is of utmost importance that the file is maintained and audited by competent site safety personnel.